§269-71 - Meter tampering.
[§269-71] Meter tampering. Any person who, without permission or authorization from a utility tampers with, damages, destroys, removes, connects, causes to connect, disconnects, or causes to be disconnected or bypassed any wire, cable, conductor, gas pipe, billing or collection equipment, or device on any meter, line, conduit, property, or facilities of a utility for the purpose of using unmetered services, in addition to any other penalty authorized by law, shall be liable to the utility for treble the amount of the value of the utility services used and the damages or loss of any equipment, property, or facilities of a utility. [L 1982, c 94, §1]
Cross References
Criminal tampering of a utility, see §§708-825 to 826.
Theft of utility services, see §708-839.5.