§249-14.2 - Procedure when registration of a bicycle or moped transferred.
[§249-14.2] Procedure when registration of a bicycle or moped transferred. (a) Upon transfer of registered ownership in or to a bicycle or moped, the person whose interest is to be transferred and the transferee shall write their signatures with pen and ink upon the certificate of registration issued for the bicycle or moped, together with the address of the transferee in the appropriate space provided upon the certificate.
(b) Within thirty calendar days of the transfer of registered ownership of a bicycle or moped, the transferee shall forward the certificate of registration so endorsed to the director of finance who shall file the certificate. The director of finance may charge a fee of $5 which shall be deposited into the county bikeway fund for each new certificate of registration issued. Whenever a transferee fails to comply with these provisions, the director of finance shall charge a fee of $10, in addition to the fee provided in this section, for the issuance of a new certificate of registration.
(c) The director of finance, upon receipt of the certificate of registration properly endorsed and the required fee, shall register the bicycle or moped and shall issue to the owner thereof by reason of the transfer a new certificate of registration in the manner and form provided for in an original registration.
(d) Until the director of finance has issued the new certificate of registration as provided in subsection (c), delivery of such bicycle or moped shall be deemed not to have been made and registration thereto shall be deemed not to have passed, and the intended transfer shall be deemed to be incomplete and not to be valid or effective for any purpose.
(e) In the event of the transfer by operation of law in or to a bicycle or moped, as upon inheritance, devise, or bequest, order in bankruptcy, or insolvency, execution sale, repossession upon default in performance of the terms of a lease or executory sales contract, or otherwise than by the voluntary act of the person whose interest is to be transferred, the certificate of registration shall be signed upon the spaces provided by the personal representative of, or successor in interest of the person whose registered ownership or interest is so transferred in lieu of such person. Every personal representative, receiver, trustee, sheriff, or other representative hereinabove referred to shall file with the director of finance a notice of any transfer by sale, lease, or otherwise by the person, of any such bicycle or moped, together with evidence satisfactory to the director of finance of all facts entitling such representative to make the transfer.
(f) Any person who refuses or neglects to deliver a certificate of registration to a transferee entitled thereto under this section, shall be punished as provided in section 249-14.6.
(g) Every dealer or manufacturer, upon transferring a bicycle or moped, whether by sale, lease, or otherwise, shall immediately give notice of the transfer to the director of finance upon the official form provided by the director of finance. Every such notice shall contain the date of the transfer, the names and addresses of the transferor and transferee, and such description of the bicycle or moped as may be called for in the official form.
(h) Every person, other than a dealer, upon transferring a bicycle or moped, whether by sale, lease, or otherwise, shall within ten days give notice of the transfer to the director of finance upon the official form provided by the director of finance. Every notice shall contain the date of transfer, the names and addresses of the transferor and transferee, and such description of the bicycle or moped as may be called for in the official form. Any person who violates this subsection shall be fined not more than $100.
(i) Whenever the registered owner of a bicycle or moped or any dealer or manufacturer has given notice to the director of finance of a transfer of the registered ownership to the bicycle or moped, as provided in subsection (g) or (h), and has delivered the certificate of registration bearing the transferor's signature to the transferee as required by subsection (a), the transferor shall be relieved from liability, civil or criminal, which the transferor might subsequently incur by reason of being the registered owner of the bicycle or moped.
(j) Any person who falsely or fraudulently gives notice to the director of finance of a transfer of registered ownership to a bicycle or moped shall be subject to the penalty provided in section 249-14.6. [L 1998, c 188, §1]