- §103D-101 - Requirement of good faith.
- §103D-102 - Application of this chapter.
- §103D-103 - Retention of written determinations.
- §103D-0104
- §103D-104 - .
- §103D-105 - Public access to procurement information.
- §103D-106 - Penalties.
- §103D-107 - Compliance audit unit; establishment and purpose.
- §103D-108 - Compliance audit unit; duties and responsibilities.
- §103D-109 - Compliance audit unit; government officers and employees to cooperate.
- §103D-110 - Education and training.
- §103D-111 - Applicability of chapter 103.
- §103D-201 - Creation and membership of the procurement policy board.
- §103D-202 - Authority and duties of the policy board.
- §103D-203 - Chief procurement officers.
- §103D-204 - Establishment of the state procurement office; administrator.
- §103D-205 - Authority and duties of the chief procurement officer.
- §103D-206 - Additional duties of the administrator of the procurement office.
- §103D-207 - Centralization of procurement authority.
- §103D-208 - Delegation of authority by the chief procurement officer.
- §103D-209 - Authority to contract for certain services.
- §103D-210 - REPEALED.
- §103D-211 - Procurement rules.
- §103D-212 - Collection of data concerning public procurement.
- §103D-213 - Procurement advisory groups.
- §103D-214 - REPEALED.
- §103D-301 - Methods of source selection.
- §103D-302 - Competitive sealed bidding.
- §103D-303 - Competitive sealed proposals.
- §103D-303.5 - Pre-bid conference.
- §103D-304 - Procurement of professional services.
- §103D-305 - Small purchases; prohibition against parceling.
- §103D-306 - Sole source procurement.
- §103D-307 - Emergency procurements.
- §103D-308 - Cancellation of invitations for bids or requests for proposals.
- §103D-309 - Contract not binding unless funds available.
- §103D-310 - Responsibility of offerors.
- §103D-311 - Prequalification of suppliers.
- §103D-312 - Cost or pricing data.
- §103D-313 - Types of contracts.
- §103D-314 - Approval of accounting system.
- §103D-315 - Multi-term contracts.
- §103D-316 - Right to inspect plant.
- §103D-317 - Right to audit records.
- §103D-318 - Finality of determinations.
- §103D-319 - Reporting of anticompetitive practices.
- §103D-320 - Retention of procurement records.
- §103D-321 - REPEALED.
- §103D-322 - Multiple awards.
- §103D-323 - Bid security.
- §103D-324 - Contract performance and payment bonds.
- §103D-325 - Bond forms and copies.
- §103D-326 - Fiscal responsibility.
- §103D-327 - Safety and health programs for construction.
- §103D-328 - Tax clearances; setoff for due and unpaid taxes.
- §103D-401 - Duties of the policy board.
- §103D-402 - Duties of the chief procurement officer.
- §103D-403 - Exempted items.
- §103D-404 - Relationship with using agencies.
- §103D-405 - Maximum practicable competition.
- §103D-406 - Specifications prepared by architects and engineers.
- §103D-407 - Construction projects, roadway materials; recycled glass content requirements.
- §103D-408 - Indigenous and Polynesian introduced plants; use in public landscaping.
- §103D-409 - Provisions for pollution control.
- §103D-410 - Energy efficiency through life-cycle costing.
- §103D-411 - Value engineering clauses.
- §103D-412 - Light-duty motor vehicle requirements.
- §103D-501 - Contract clauses and their administration.
- §103D-601 - Cost principles rules required.
- §103D-701 - Authority to resolve protested solicitations and awards.
- §103D-702 - Authority to debar or suspend.
- §103D-703 - Authority to resolve contract and breach of contract controversies.
- §103D-703.5 - Settlement of default by contractor.
- §103D-704 - Exclusivity of remedies.
- §103D-705 - Solicitations or awards in violation of law.
- §103D-706 - Remedies prior to an award.
- §103D-707 - Remedies after an award.
- §103D-708 - Interest.
- §103D-709 - Administrative proceedings for review.
- §103D-710 - Judicial review.
- §103D-711 - Judicial action.
- §103D-712 - Time limitations on actions.
- §103D-713 - Defense of a governmental body.
- §103D-801 - Definitions.
- §103D-802 - Cooperative purchasing authorized.
- §103D-803 - Sale, acquisition, or use of goods by a public procurement unit.
- §103D-804 - Cooperative use of goods or services.
- §103D-805 - Joint use of facilities.
- §103D-806 - Supply of personnel, information, and technical services.
- §103D-807 - Use of payments received by a supplying public procurement unit.
- §103D-808 - Public procurement units in compliance with requirements of this chapter.
- §103D-809 - Review of procurement requirements.
- §103D-810 - Contract controversies.
- §103D-901 - Definitions.
- §103D-902 - Small business assistance.
- §103D-903 - Duties of the chief procurement officer.
- §103D-904 - Geographic bidding.
- §103D-905 - REPEALED.
- §103D-906 - Preference for small businesses; set-asides; use as subcontractors.
- §103D-1001 - Definitions.
- §103D-1001.5 - Application of this part.
- §103D-1002 - Hawaii products.
- §103D-1002 - .
- §103D-1003 - Printing, binding, and stationery work.
- §103D-1004 - Reciprocity.
- §103D-1005 - Recycled products.
- §103D-1006 - Software development businesses.
- §103D-1007 - REPEALED.
- §103D-1008 - Taxpayer preference.
- §103D-1009 - Preference for qualified community rehabilitation programs.
- §103D-1010 - Purchases from qualified community rehabilitation programs.
- §103D-1011 - Qualified community rehabilitation program; proposal to provide goods and services.
- §103D-1012 - Biofuel preference.
- §103D-1101 - Definitions.
- §103D-1102 - State agency for surplus property.
- §103D-1103 - Authority and duties.
- §103D-1104 - Delegation of authority; bond.
- §103D-1105 - Authorized donee representatives.
- §103D-1106 - Transfer charges.
- §103D-1107 - Revolving fund.
- §103D-1201 - Definitions.
- §103D-1202 - Rules.
- §103D-1203 - Administrator of the state procurement office; duties.
- §103D-1204 - Others' responsibilities.
- §103D-1205 - Internal control.
- §103D-1206 - Annual inventory reporting by state officers.
- §103D-1207 - Annual inventory reporting by county mayors to administrator of the state procurement office.
- §103D-1208 - Annual inventory reporting by county officers to council.
- §103D-1209 - Authority to withhold salary.
- §103D-1210 - Penalty; jurisdiction.
- §103D-1211 - Forms for annual inventory return.
- §103D-1212 - Duties of the State and county.
- §103D-1213 - Sale of produce, etc.
- §103D-1214 - Proceeds.
- §103D-1301 - Short title.
- §103D-1302 - Definitions.
- §103D-1303 - Preference for oil products with greater recycled content.
- §103D-1304 - Affirmative program for procuring oils with recycled content.