§88-339 - Accidental service-connected death benefit.

     §88-339  Accidental service-connected death benefit.  (a)  In the case of an accidental death as determined by the board pursuant to section 88-85.5, there shall be paid to the member's designated beneficiary or to the member's estate the amount of the member's accumulated contributions and there shall be paid in lieu of the ordinary death benefit payable under section 88-338 a pension of one-half of the average final compensation of the member:

     (1)  To the surviving spouse or reciprocal beneficiary of the member to continue until the surviving spouse or reciprocal beneficiary remarries, marries, or enters into a new reciprocal beneficiary relationship;

     (2)  If there be no surviving spouse or reciprocal beneficiary, or if the surviving spouse or reciprocal beneficiary dies or remarries, marries, or enters into a new reciprocal beneficiary relationship before any child of the deceased member shall have attained the age of eighteen years, then to the deceased member's child or children under that age, divided in a manner as the board in its discretion shall determine, to continue as a joint and survivor pension of one-half of the deceased member's final compensation until every child dies, or attains that age; or

     (3)  If there is no surviving spouse or reciprocal beneficiary and no child under the age of eighteen years surviving the deceased member, then to the deceased member's dependent father or dependent mother, as the deceased member shall have nominated by written designation duly acknowledged and filed with the board, or if there is no nomination, then to the deceased member's dependent father or to the deceased member's dependent mother as the board, in its discretion, shall direct to continue for life.

The pension shall be effective on the first day of the month following the member's death, except for the month of December, when benefits shall be effective on the first or last day of the month.

     (b)  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any condition of impairment of health caused by any disease of the heart, lungs, or respiratory system, resulting in death to a sewer worker shall be presumed to have been suffered in the actual performance of duty at some definite time and place through no wilful negligence on the sewer worker's part, and as a result of the inherent occupational hazard of exposure to and inhalation of smoke, toxic gases, chemical fumes, and other toxic vapors, unless the contrary be shown by competent evidence; provided that the sewer worker shall have passed a physical examination on entry into service or subsequent to entry, which examination failed to reveal any evidence of the condition.

     (c)  Benefits payable under subsection (a) shall continue through the end of the last month in which the payee is eligible for the benefit. [L 2004, c 179, pt of §1; am L 2005, c 58, §30; am L 2006, c 169, §38]