§88-183 - Qualifications.

     §88-183  Qualifications.  Except in the counties of Hawaii and Maui, no person shall be appointed as a member of the pension board unless the person be a registered voter who has resided for five or more years in the county for which appointed; no person shall be eligible for membership or be a member of any such board, who occupies any elective or appointive office or position under any county government; and no member of any of such boards shall, during the term for which the member was appointed, serve as an officer or committee member of any political party or organization, nor shall the member present oneself as a candidate or be a candidate for nomination or election to any public office in any primary or general election during the term. [L 1937, c 237, §1; am L 1939, c 112, pt of §1(a); RL 1945, pt of §6184; RL 1955, §6-162; am imp L 1967, c 80, §1; HRS §88-183; gen ch 1985]