§88-59 - Acquisition of membership service.

     §88-59  Acquisition of membership service.  (a)  Under rules as the board may adopt, any member may file with the board a statement of all service as an employee or other service paid for by the State or a county rendered prior to the member's last becoming a member that is not credited to the member, for which the member claims prior service credit, and also a statement of the services for which the member claims membership service credit and for which the member agrees to have additional deductions made from the member's compensation or to make a lump sum payment as described in this section.

     (b)  After the filing of the statement, the board shall verify the service claimed and determine the service credit allowable.  Verified prior service shall be credited.  Verified membership service shall be paid for by the member in any one of the following methods, at the member's option:

     (1)  By deductions from the member's compensation pursuant to Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, under the employer pick up plan under section 88-46.  An irrevocable payroll authorization filed by the member for a period not to exceed sixty months shall remain in effect until the completion of the payroll payments or termination of employment, whichever is earlier.  The member may elect to have:

         (A)  Deductions from the member's compensation of twice the contribution rate provided for in section 88-45 over a period equal to the period for which membership service credit is allowable not to exceed sixty months; or

         (B)  Deductions from the member's compensation of one and one-half times the contribution rate provided for in section 88-45 over a period equal to twice the period for which membership service credit is allowable not to exceed sixty months; or

     (2)  By lump sum payment of contributions computed at the contribution rate provided for in section 88-45 applied to the member's monthly rate of compensation at the time of payment multiplied by the number of months for which membership service credit is allowable; provided that after July 1, 1982, this method shall not be available to any new member with fewer than five years of membership service exclusive of any previous service acquired under paragraph (1).

The deductions from compensation or lump sum payment shall be paid to the system and shall be credited to the member's individual account and become part of the member's accumulated contributions.

     (c)  Membership service credit, in addition to any other service credited to the member, shall be allowed for the period for which the deductions from compensation or lump sum payment have been made as described in this section.

     (d)  The contribution rates under section 88-45 shall be reduced by one and eight-tenths per cent for any service being claimed that was rendered prior to July 1, 1961. [RL 1945, pt of §704; am L 1949, c 269, pt of §1; am L 1951, c 110, §1(c); RL 1955, §6-35; am L 1961, c 181, §3; HRS §88-59; am L 1969, c 110, pt of §1; am L 1972, c 129, §1; am L 1982, c 165, §2(12); gen ch 1985; am L 1989, c 100, §1; am L 1997, c 213, §2; am L 2005, c 58, §5; am L 2008, c 47, §7]