§5-16 - State flower and individual island flowers.
§5-16 State flower and individual island flowers. The native yellow hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei A. Gray), also known as the Pua Aloalo or Ma‘o-hau-hele, is established and designated as the official flower of the State.
The ‘ōhi‘a lehua (metrosideros macropus M. collina), also known as the pua lehua, is established and designated as the official flower of the island of Hawai‘i.
The lokelani, also known as the damask rose (rosa damascena), is established and designated as the official flower of the island of Maui.
The pua ‘ilima from the native dodder shrubs (sida fallax) is established and designated as the official flower of the island of O‘ahu.
The mokihana from the native tree (pelea anisata) is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Kaua‘i.
The pua kukui, also known as the candlenut tree (aleurites moluccana), is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Moloka‘i.
The kauna‘oa, also known as the native dodder (cuscuta sandwichiana), is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Lāna‘i.
The pūpū, also known as the momi, laiki, and kahelelani, is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Ni‘ihau.
The hinahina or native heliotrope (heliotropium anomalum, var. argenteum) is established and designated as the official lei material of the island of Kaho‘olawe. [L 1988, c 177, §1; am L 2000, c 165, §3]
Cross References
Lei Day, see §8-13.