§ 53-4-15 - (Pre-1998 Probate Code) Division of real property lying in several counties; order of probate court on application of representative; notice

O.C.G.A. 53-4-15 (2010)
53-4-15. (Pre-1998 Probate Code) Division of real property lying in several counties; order of probate court on application of representative; notice

Upon the application of the legal representative of any deceased person whose estate consists, wholly or in part, of real property lying in several counties of this state, to the judge of the probate court of the county where the representative makes his return, showing that the estate is ready for distribution and that the same cannot be made without prejudice or loss to the minor distributees thereof except by the division of the real property of the estate in kind, it shall be lawful for the judge of the probate court of the county, in his discretion, to pass such order as to him shall seem most adequate to secure a just and equal division in kind of the real property of the estate among all parties in interest; provided, however, that the representative shall give the same notice of his application as is required by law in the case of a division of estates in kind.