§ 49-6-21.1 - (Repealed effective January, 1, 2011) Additional duties and powers of council; report and recommendations

O.C.G.A. 49-6-21.1 (2010)
49-6-21.1. (Repealed effective January, 1, 2011) Additional duties and powers of council; report and recommendations

(a) In addition to those duties and powers set forth in Code Section 49-6-21, the Council on Aging shall provide a written report entitled "Project 2020: Georgia for a Lifetime" to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and such report shall be provided no later than December 15, 2010. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall direct the report to the appropriate committees for review. The council shall notify members of the General Assembly and any state department or agency mentioned in or affected by the report of the availability of such report, and such notification shall be given in the manner which the council deems most effective and efficient.

(b) As part of the report required by subsection (a) of this Code section, the council shall research, identify, evaluate, and make recommendations on:

(1) State policies regarding older adults and state agencies' readiness for the expanding aging population;

(2) The projected impact that this state's increasing aging population will have on health, protection, safety, housing, transportation, employment, caregiving, education, the economy, access to services, volunteerism, legal and financial preparedness, and social and recreational resources;

(3) The implementation of specific policies, procedures, and programs to respond to the needs and impact of the aging population relating to health, protection, safety, housing, transportation, employment, caregiving, education, the economy, access to services, volunteerism, legal and financial preparedness, and social and recreational resources;

(4) Ways to increase public and governmental understanding of the current and future needs of the state's aging population, to increase state government readiness, and to increase community preparedness for an aging Georgia;

(5) Ways to facilitate the communication and coordination of public and private entities as they plan for the growing aging population;

(6) The status and effectiveness of policies, procedures, and programs that engage the older population or that provide services to the aging population;

(7) The policies, procedures, initiatives, and programs that other states have implemented to address the needs of their aging populations;

(8) The policies, procedures, initiatives, and programs that other states have developed and implemented to engage older adults as volunteers and mentors;

(9) Methods to provide a forum for public comment on planning issues relating to the aging population; and

(10) Ways to encourage public and private entities to analyze, plan, and prepare for the impact of the aging population.

(c) In preparing the report required by subsection (a) of this Code section, the council may hire experts and shall hear from key leaders of the public and private sectors in the various areas relating to the aging population.

(d) For the purpose of assisting the council in carrying out the provisions of this Code section, the council may appoint an advisory committee of not more than 17 members. The members of such advisory committee shall serve at the pleasure of the council. Members of the advisory committee shall receive no compensation for the performance of their duties but shall be reimbursed for actual travel and other reasonable and necessary expenses incurred while attending called meetings of the advisory committee. If such an advisory committee is appointed, it shall meet at least quarterly.

(e) The council is authorized to call upon for cooperation and shall receive the cooperation of any state department or agency in carrying out the provisions of this Code section.

(f) The council shall apply for any applicable grants and resources, public and private, for which it may qualify for executing its duties and powers under this Code section.

(g) Not later than December 15, 2009, the council shall provide the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives with a written interim progress report on the status of the report required by subsection (a) of this Code section. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall direct the interim progress report to the appropriate committees for review. The council shall notify members of the General Assembly and any state department or agency mentioned in or affected by the interim progress report of the availability of such report, and such notification shall be given in the manner which the council deems most effective and efficient.

(h) This Code section shall stand repealed in its entirety on January 1, 2011.