§ 48-8-15 - State sales and use taxes applicable to the liquid propane gas commodity sold and delivered for residential heating; legislative findings; power and duties of commissioner
O.C.G.A. 48-8-15 (2010)
48-8-15. State sales and use taxes applicable to the liquid propane gas commodity sold and delivered for residential heating; legislative findings; power and duties of commissioner
(a) The General Assembly finds that:
(1) Liquid propane gas and natural gas are essential commodities used by all Georgians to heat their homes;
(2) There has been a substantial rise in the prices of liquid propane gas and natural gas since adjournment of the 2005 regular session of the General Assembly such that the prices for liquid propane gas and natural gas for 2006 are projected to far exceed the 2005 prices for these commodities;
(3) The significant increase in liquid propane gas and natural gas prices has burdened and will continue to burden financially all Georgians who must use these commodities to heat their homes during the winter months; and
(4) The significant increase in liquid propane gas and natural gas prices for the winter months of 2006 will result in a windfall to the state in the form of surplus sales and use taxes on these commodities.
(b) (1) For the time period commencing as specified in the Executive Order of the Governor dated December 19, 2005, and filed in the official records of the Office of the Governor as Executive Order and the time period concluding at the end of the third completed billing cycle ending on or before April 30, 2006, state sales and use taxation pursuant to Code Section 48-8-30 as that tax applies to charges for the natural gas commodity billed for residential use shall be governed by the provisions of this Code section notwithstanding any provisions of Code Section 48-8-30, or any other law, to the contrary.
(2) For the time period commencing as specified in the Executive Order of the Governor dated December 19, 2005, and filed in the official records of the Office of the Governor as Executive Order and concluding on the last moment of March 31, 2006, state sales and use taxation pursuant to Code Section 48-8-30 as that tax applies to sales of the liquid propane gas commodity when sold and delivered primarily for residential heating purposes shall be governed by the provisions of this Code section notwithstanding any provisions of Code Section 48-8-30, or any other law, to the contrary.
(c) Sales or use of fuels described in subsection (b) of this Code section shall be exempt from the first 2 percent of the 4 percent state sales and use tax imposed under this chapter and shall be subject to the remaining 2 percent of the 4 percent state sales and use tax imposed under this chapter. The temporary and partial sales and use tax exemption provided for in this subsection shall not apply to local sales and use taxes levied and imposed in an area consisting of less than the entire state, however authorized, including, but not limited to, such taxes authorized by or pursuant to constitutional amendment; by or pursuant to Section 25 of an Act approved March 10, 1965 (Ga. L. 1965, p. 2243), as amended, known as the "Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Act of 1965"; or by or pursuant to Article 2, 2A, 3, or 4 of Chapter 8 of this title. Such local taxes shall remain applicable to sales of such fuels.
(d) The tax relief required under this Code section with respect to charges for the natural gas commodity billed for residential use shall be credited or otherwise reflected on a consumer's natural gas bill as soon as practicable and shall apply only with respect to charges billed for the natural gas commodity and not for other enumerated charges.
(e) The failure of the dealer to pass through to the purchaser of any of the fuels described in subsection (b) of this Code section the amount of the tax exemptions, decreases, or reduction under this Code section shall constitute an unfair or deceptive act or practice under Part 2 of Article 15 of Chapter 10 of Title 10, the "Fair Business Practices Act," as amended, and shall be subject to enforcement by the administrator of said Part 2 in the same manner as any other act or practice constituting a violation of said Part 2 and subject to the same remedies and penalties as any other act or practice constituting a violation of said Part 2.
(f) The commissioner is authorized to prescribe forms and promulgate rules and regulations deemed necessary in order to administer and effectuate this Code section.