§ 48-4-64 - Acquisition and disposal of property
O.C.G.A. 48-4-64 (2010)
48-4-64. Acquisition and disposal of property
(a) If any party obtains a judgment for taxes against a tax delinquent property within the party county, any of the party cities, or the boundaries of the consolidated government and the property is ordered sold at a tax sale to satisfy the judgment, the authority may tender one bid at such sale, and such bid shall comprise the authority's commitment to pay not more than all costs of the sale and its assumption of liability for all taxes, accrued interest thereon, and penalties, and, if there is no other bid, the tax commissioner shall accept the authority's bid and make a deed of the property to the authority.
(b) In accordance with the provisions of Code Section 48-4-45, the authority shall have the right to foreclose the right to redeem property at any time after the 12 month redemption period has expired pursuant to Code Section 48-4-65. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the right of redemption shall automatically terminate and expire upon failure to redeem in accordance with Code Section 48-4-81 where the tax sale was conducted pursuant to Article 5 of this chapter.
(c) When a property is acquired by the authority, the authority shall have the power to extinguish all county and city or consolidated government taxes, including school district taxes, at the time it sells or otherwise disposes of property; provided, however, that, with respect to school district taxes, the authority shall first obtain the consent of the board of education governing the school district in which the property is located. In determining whether or not to extinguish taxes, the authority shall consider the public benefit to be gained by tax forgiveness with primary consideration given to purchasers who intend to build or rehabilitate low-income housing. The decision by the authority to extinguish taxes is subject to the vote requirements for dispositions of property under subsection (d) of Code Section 48-4-63.
(d) At the time that the authority sells or otherwise disposes of property as part of its land bank program, the proceeds from the sale, if any, shall be allocated as determined by the authority among the following priorities: (1) furtherance of authority operations; (2) recovery of authority expenses; and (3) distribution to the parties and the appropriate school district in proportion to and to the extent of their respective tax bills and costs. Any excess proceeds shall be distributed pursuant to the agreement of the parties or by resolution of the consolidated government in accordance with the public policy stated in this article.
(e) The authority shall have full discretion in determining the sale price of the property. The agreement of the parties shall provide for a distribution of property that favors neighborhood nonprofit entities obtaining the land for low-income housing and, secondarily, other entities intending to produce low-income or moderate-income housing.