§ 48-4-61 - Land bank authority established by interlocal cooperation agreement; powers; purpose; dissolution

O.C.G.A. 48-4-61 (2010)
48-4-61. Land bank authority established by interlocal cooperation agreement; powers; purpose; dissolution

(a) One or more cities and the county containing such cities may enter into an interlocal cooperation agreement, or a consolidated government may adopt a resolution, for the purpose of establishing a land bank authority pursuant to this article.

(b) The authority shall be a public body corporate and politic with the power to sue and be sued, to accept and issue deeds in its name, including without limitation the acceptance of real property in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2.1) of subsection (u) of Code Section 16-13-49, and to institute quia timet actions and shall have any other powers necessary and incidental to carry out the powers granted by this article.

(c) The authority shall be established to acquire the tax delinquent properties of the parties and any property deeded to it pursuant to paragraph (2.1) of subsection (u) of Code Section 16-13-49 in order to foster the public purpose of returning land which is in a nonrevenue-generating, nontax-producing status to an effective utilization status or of returning real property forfeited pursuant to Code Section 16-13-49 to such status in order to provide housing, new industry, and jobs for the citizens of the county. The authority shall have the powers provided in this article and those necessary and incidental to the exercise of such powers.

(d) Any authority established pursuant to this article may be dissolved by any party to the agreement or by resolution of a consolidated government or, where multiple cities are involved, any city may withdraw from the agreement which established the authority, or such authority may be dissolved by local Act of the General Assembly.

(e) An authority whose parties form a consolidated government after entering into an interlocal cooperation agreement shall thereafter operate under and be governed by the provisions of this article applicable to authorities of consolidated governments as if created by resolution of a consolidated government. The board governing such an authority shall be reconstituted by resolution of the consolidated governments in conformity with the provisions of subsection (a) of Code Section 48-4-62 prior to the first meeting of such board subsequent to the effective date of consolidation of the party governments.