- § 47-8-60 - Appointment to the office of senior judge; resignation from the office of superior court judge
- § 47-8-61 - Term of office as senior judge; power of Governor to call upon senior judges to serve as superior court judges
- § 47-8-62 - Salaries paid to senior judges
- § 47-8-63 - Duties of senior judges generally
- § 47-8-64 - Service as superior court judge; compensation
- § 47-8-65 - Retention of office as a senior judge despite nonresidency; power to preside as a judge during the period of nonresidence
- § 47-8-66 - Suspension of appointment to the office of senior judge while eligible for or holding an office of profit or trust under the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of Geor
- § 47-8-67 - Election of survivors benefits coverage; contributions required for such coverage; effect of such coverage on appointment to the office of senior judge; amount of survivors benefits
- § 47-8-68 - Withdrawal of payments to the fund; effect on right to participate in the fund
- § 47-8-69 - Withdrawal of payments to the fund by superior court judges who have been disqualified or resigned from office; payments upon the death of a superior court judge