§ 47-7-60 - Dues required of members; effect of failure to pay dues in timely manner

O.C.G.A. 47-7-60 (2010)
47-7-60. Dues required of members; effect of failure to pay dues in timely manner

(a) Each firefighter or volunteer firefighter accepted for membership in the fund shall pay to the fund the sum of $15.00 for each month of service as a firefighter or volunteer firefighter in a fire department. Such monthly payments shall be due on or before the tenth day of each month of service.

(b) (1) Any member who becomes six months in arrears in making such payments shall be removed from membership in the fund and shall thereafter be ineligible for membership in or benefits under the fund, except as provided in this subsection and in subsection (c) of this Code section.

(2) Any member who has been removed from membership in the fund under paragraph (1) of this subsection may make application to the board for reinstatement of membership. As a condition of such reinstatement, the applicant must pay to the fund a reinstatement fee of $100.00. Upon such reinstatement, such member shall be entitled to credit for service rendered after reinstatement. If such member has not withdrawn the dues he or she paid to the fund prior to the suspension, then he or she shall also be entitled to creditable service for service rendered prior to the suspension.

(3) An applicant for reinstatement of membership in the fund as provided in this subsection shall not be entitled to reinstatement unless at the time of such application the applicant meets the requirements set forth in Code Section 47-7-40 as a prerequisite to reinstatement to active membership.

(c) If a member who has attained the minimum service credits required for a normal retirement benefit under Code Section 47-7-100 is suspended from membership in the fund under this Code section and is not reinstated, then, provided that such member does not withdraw dues paid to the fund prior to his or her suspension, upon termination of service, such member shall be entitled to a normal retirement benefit payable under Code Section 47-7-100. The normal retirement benefit to which such member may thereafter become entitled upon termination of service shall be calculated as of the date of the member's suspension from the fund, using the service credits and age the member had attained on the date of suspension, which shall be deemed to be the youngest age at which early retirement benefits may commence or such greater age as the member has actually attained on that date, and the maximum monthly benefit in effect on such date of suspension.