§ 47-6-1 - Definitions

O.C.G.A. 47-6-1 (2010)
47-6-1. Definitions

As used in this chapter, the term:

(1) "Accumulated contributions" means the sum of all amounts deducted from the compensation of a member or paid by the member to establish or reestablish credit for service, which amounts are credited to his or her individual account in the system, together with regular interest thereon. Beginning on January 12, 1981, this term shall include the amount of employee contributions paid by the employer on behalf of members, together with regular interest thereon, excluding employee contributions paid by the employer for group term life insurance coverage.

(2) "Beneficiary" means any person in receipt of a retirement allowance or other benefit as provided by the system.

(3) "Board" means the Board of Trustees of the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia; provided, however, that if any member of such board of trustees is an active or retired member or a beneficiary of this retirement system, he or she shall not serve as a member of the board of trustees of this retirement system.

(4) "Creditable service" means prior service and membership service for which credit is allowable under this chapter, but in no case shall more than one year of service be creditable for all service in one calendar year, nor shall it include any service which has been or may be credited to a member by any other public retirement system of this state.

(5) "Date of establishment" means July 1, 1967.

(6) "Member" means any person included in the membership of the system.

(7) "Membership service" means service as paid for by the member, as provided for in Code Section 47-6-60.

(8) "Prior service" means service rendered prior to January 1, 1954, as a Representative, Senator, or staff member of the General Assembly and service, day for day, on active duty in any component of the armed forces of the United States during wartime or during any conflict in which military personnel were committed by the President of the United States, provided that no such service in excess of five years shall be creditable.

(8.1) "Prior service" shall also include military service which is creditable under Code Section 47-6-70.1.

(9) "Retirement allowance" means monthly payments for life pursuant to Code Section 47-6-80.

(10) "Staff members" means the Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and the messenger and doorkeeper for each of the two houses of the General Assembly.

(11) "System" means the Georgia Legislative Retirement System.