§ 47-20-36 - Scope of actuarial investigation; certificate and summary of investigation attached to bill

O.C.G.A. 47-20-36 (2010)
47-20-36. Scope of actuarial investigation; certificate and summary of investigation attached to bill

(a) If an actuarial investigation of a retirement bill having a fiscal impact is requested under Code Section 47-20-35, it shall be the duty of the state auditor to complete or cause to be completed such actuarial investigation by not later than November 1 of the same year during which the request for the actuarial investigation was made. The actuarial investigation shall include, but shall not be limited to, findings on the following factors as such factors are relevant to the retirement bill under consideration:

(1) The dollar amount of the unfunded actuarial accrued liability which will result from the bill for the retirement system affected by the bill;

(2) The dollar amount of the annual normal cost which will result from the bill for the retirement system affected by the bill;

(3) A statement of the employer contribution rate currently in effect for the retirement system affected by the bill;

(4) A statement of the employer contribution rate, which must be in conformity with the minimum funding standards specified by Code Section 47-20-10, recommended for the retirement system affected by the bill; and

(5) A statement of the dollar amount of the increase in the annual employer contribution, if an existing retirement system is affected by the bill, or a statement of the total annual employer contribution, if a new retirement system is established by the bill, which will be necessary to maintain the retirement system affected or established by the bill in an actuarially sound condition.

(b) By not later than November 1 of the same year that the request for an actuarial investigation was made, the completed actuarial investigation shall be submitted by the state auditor to the chairman of the committee who requested it along with a summary of the actuarial investigation which shall include the relevant findings specified in subsection (a) of this Code section.

(c) The chairman of the committee, upon receipt of the information provided for under subsection (b) of this Code section, shall cause the summary of the actuarial investigation to be printed by the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, depending on whether the bill is a Senate bill or House bill, in sufficient quantity to attach a copy thereof to all printed copies of the bill. The original summary of the actuarial investigation shall be attached by the Secretary of the Senate or Clerk of the House of Representatives to the original version of the substitute bill, as perfected by the committee under Code Section 47-20-35, if applicable, or to the original version of the bill as introduced if the bill was not changed by the committee prior to its submission to the state auditor for an actuarial investigation.