§ 47-20-35 - Perfection of bill by committee; actuarial investigation
O.C.G.A. 47-20-35 (2010)
47-20-35. Perfection of bill by committee; actuarial investigation
(a) A retirement bill having a fiscal impact which the committee wishes to consider shall first be perfected, if necessary, by the committee. The committee may delay further consideration of the bill until after the close of the regular session during which the bill was introduced, but the committee shall complete its consideration of the bill for submission to the state auditor under Code Section 47-20-36 by not later than July 15 immediately following the close of the legislative session. The committee shall be authorized to meet for not more than five days, unless additional days are authorized by the President of the Senate for the Senate committee or by the Speaker of the House for the House committee, during the period beginning with the day following the close of the session and ending on July 1 immediately following the close of the session for the purpose of considering and perfecting the bill. If the bill originated in the Senate, the House Committee on Retirement shall be authorized to meet with the Senate Committee on Retirement to consider and perfect a bill during the period following the close of a regular session, and, if the bill originated in the House, the Senate Committee on Retirement shall have the same authority. The committees may adopt such procedures as they find appropriate for conducting meetings at which both committees are present as authorized by this subsection. For attending meetings of their respective committees as authorized by this subsection, the members of the Senate and House committees on retirement shall receive the expenses and allowances provided by law for members of legislative interim committees. If a retirement bill having a fiscal impact is changed by the committee to which it is assigned, such change shall be accomplished only by a substitute bill, and no committee amendment to the bill, except by substitute, shall be authorized.
(b) Immediately after a retirement bill having a fiscal impact has been considered and perfected as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section, the chairman of the committee to which the bill was assigned shall transmit an exact copy of the bill, as perfected by the committee, when applicable, to the state auditor. The copy submitted to the state auditor shall bear an LC number. The submission of the bill to the state auditor shall have attached thereto a letter signed by the chairman of the committee requesting the state auditor to make or cause to be made an actuarial investigation on the bill.