§ 47-20-30 - Definitions
O.C.G.A. 47-20-30 (2010)
47-20-30. Definitions
As used in this article, the term:
(1) "Amendment" means any amendment, including a substitute bill, made to a retirement bill by any committee of the House or Senate or by the House or Senate.
(2) "LC number" means that number preceded by the letters "LC" assigned to a bill by the Office of Legislative Counsel when that office prepares a bill for a member of the General Assembly.
(3) "Nonfiscal amendment" means an amendment to a retirement bill having a fiscal impact, which amendment does not change any factor of an actuarial investigation specified in subsection (a) of Code Section 47-20-36.
(4) "Nonfiscal retirement bill" means a retirement bill which does not affect the cost or funding factors of a retirement system or a retirement bill which affects such factors only in a manner which does not:
(A) Grant a benefit increase under the retirement system affected by the bill;
(B) Create an actuarial accrued liability for or increase the actuarial accrued liability of the retirement system affected by the bill; or
(C) Increase the normal cost of the retirement system affected by the bill.
(4.1) "Nonfiscal retirement bill" also means a retirement bill which removes or increases a mandatory retirement age of a retirement system or which removes or modifies provisions of a retirement system requiring forfeiture of benefits upon failure to retire upon reaching a mandatory retirement age or which provides for any combination of the foregoing.
(5) "Reduction in cost amendment" means an amendment to a retirement bill having a fiscal impact which reduces the cost of the bill as such cost is determined by the actuarial investigation for the bill prepared pursuant to Code Section 47-20-36.
(6) "Retirement bill having a fiscal impact" means any retirement bill creating or establishing a retirement system and any other retirement bill other than a nonfiscal retirement bill. Such term shall include any bill requiring a public retirement system to divest or refrain from investing in specific investments or classes of investments.