§ 46-4-117 - Appointment of receiver upon default

O.C.G.A. 46-4-117 (2010)
46-4-117. Appointment of receiver upon default

(a) If the authority defaults on the payment of the principal or interest on any of the revenue bonds after the same become due, whether at maturity or upon call for redemption, and such default continues for a period of 30 days, or if the authority or its officers, agents, or employees fail or refuse to comply with the essential provisions of this article or default in any material respect on any agreement made with the holders of the revenue bonds, any holders of revenue bonds or a trustee therefor shall have the right to apply in an appropriate judicial proceeding to the Superior Court of Fulton County for the appointment of a receiver of the undertaking, regardless of whether all revenue bonds have been declared due and payable, and regardless of whether such holder or trustee therefor is seeking or has sought to enforce any other right or exercise any remedy in connection with such revenue bonds. Upon such application, the court, if it deems such action necessary for the protection of the bondholders, may appoint a receiver for the undertaking, provided that such appointment shall be mandatory if the application is made by the holders of 25 percent in principal amount of such revenue bonds then outstanding, or by any trustee for holders of such revenue bonds in such principal amount.

(b) A receiver appointed pursuant to subsection (a) of this Code section shall forthwith, directly or by his agents and attorneys, enter into and upon and take possession of the project or of such portion thereof or interest therein as is owned by the authority. If the court so directs, the receiver may wholly exclude from the project the authority, its officers, agents, and employees, and all persons claiming under them. Upon taking possession of the project, the receiver shall have, hold, use, operate, manage, and control the same and each and every part thereof and, in the name of the authority or otherwise, as the receiver may deem best, shall exercise all of the rights and powers of the authority with respect to the undertaking as the authority itself might do. The receiver shall maintain, restore, insure, and keep insured the project or such portion or interest therein as is owned by the authority; from time to time shall make all such necessary or proper repairs as the receiver may deem expedient; shall establish and maintain rates and collect such fees, tolls, and other charges in connection with the project as the receiver may deem necessary or proper and reasonable; and shall collect and receive all revenues, shall deposit the same in a separate account, and shall apply such revenues so collected and received in such manner as the court shall direct, provided that the duties of the receiver as described in this subsection shall be performed in a manner consistent with any and all existing contractual arrangements to which the authority may be a party; and the powers of the receiver shall be no greater than the powers of the authority.

(c) Whenever all amounts due upon the revenue bonds and interest thereon have been cured and made good; and whenever a similar cure and making good has been effected in regard to any other notes, bonds, or other obligations, and interest thereon, which constitute a charge, lien, or encumbrance on the revenues of the project under any of the terms of any covenants or agreements with holders of revenue bonds; then, if it appears to the court that no default is imminent, the court shall direct the receiver to surrender possession of the project to the authority, provided that the same right of the holders of the revenue bonds to secure the appointment of a receiver as is provided in subsection (a) of this Code section shall exist upon any subsequent default.

(d) A receiver shall, in the performance of the powers conferred upon him by this Code section, act under the direction and supervision of the court making such appointment, shall at all times be subject to the orders and decrees of such court, and may be removed thereby. Nothing contained in this Code section shall limit or restrict the jurisdiction of such court to enter such other and further orders and decrees as the court may deem necessary or appropriate for the exercise by the receiver of any functions specifically set forth in this Code section.