§ 45-20-3 - Duties and functions of State Personnel Board generally; compensation; quorum
O.C.G.A. 45-20-3 (2010)
45-20-3. Duties and functions of State Personnel Board generally; compensation; quorum
(a) (1) The State Personnel Board shall prescribe the guidelines by which the state's personnel policies shall be administered. The board shall hold regular meetings as needed for the proper discharge of its duties.
(2) Members of the board shall receive no salary but shall receive the same expense allowance per day as that received by a member of the General Assembly for each day such member is attending meetings or performing official business for the board, plus reimbursement for actual transportation costs while traveling by public carrier or the legal mileage rate for the use of a personal automobile in connection with such attendance or official business.
(3) Three members shall constitute a quorum. Only the votes of a majority of the members present shall be necessary for the transaction of any business or discharge of any duties of the State Personnel Board, provided there is a quorum.
(b) It shall be the specific duty and function of the State Personnel Board:
(1) To represent the public interest in the improvement of personnel administration in all state departments;
(2) To determine appropriate human resource management goals and objectives and prescribe policies for their accomplishment;
(3) At public hearings, to adopt and amend policies, rules, and regulations effectuating the State Personnel Administration and the state's personnel policies and practices subject to approval by the Governor. Notice of State Personnel Board meetings shall be released to all departments and agencies and shall be prominently posted at the office of the State Personnel Administration at least ten days prior to each board meeting;
(4) Where the board deems a review appropriate, for employees of the classified service, to ensure that a review is afforded on a dismissal and other adverse personnel actions defined by the rules and regulations of the State Personnel Board. All appeals determinations of the board shall be written and documented as to findings of fact, bases for decisions, and prescribed remedies;
(5) To assure the administration of state and federal laws relating to state personnel administration;
(6) To establish an annual budget covering all the costs of State Personnel Board operations, said budget to be incorporated as a component of the annual budget of the State Personnel Administration; and
(7) To promote public understanding of the purposes, policies, and practices of the State Personnel Administration and to advise and assist the several state departments in fostering merit selection and securing the interest of institutions of learning and of civic, professional, and other organizations in the improvement of personnel standards under the state's personnel system.