§ 45-13-70 - Creation of commission; membership; appointment; staffing

O.C.G.A. 45-13-70 (2010)
45-13-70. Creation of commission; membership; appointment; staffing

(a) There is created the Capitol Art Standards Commission, which is assigned to the Office of the Secretary of State for administrative purposes only, as prescribed in Code Section 50-4-3.

(b) The Capitol Art Standards Commission shall be comprised of 15 members. Three members shall be appointed by the Governor, of whom one shall be designated as chairperson. Three members shall be appointed by the Senate Committee on Assignments and three members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. One member each shall be appointed by the Georgia Historical Society, the Georgia Council for the Humanities, and the Georgia Council for the Arts. One member each shall be appointed by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and the Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, each of whom shall be proficient in the history of the State of Georgia. Each of the appointed members shall serve two-year terms of office and shall be eligible to succeed themselves. In addition, the director of the Georgia Capitol Museum or his or her designee shall be a member of the commission. Vacancies in the positions of appointed members of the commission shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term of office by the original appointing authority.

(c) Members of the commission shall serve without compensation but members of the commission who are not state officials or employees shall receive the same expense allowance per day as that received by a member of the General Assembly for each day such member of the commission is in attendance at a meeting of such commission, plus either reimbursement for actual transportation costs while traveling by public carrier or the same mileage allowance for use of a personal car in connection with such attendance as members of the General Assembly receive. Members of the commission who are state officials or employees shall receive reimbursement for actual transportation costs in accordance with the policies of their respective agencies.

(d) Membership on the commission does not constitute a public office, and no member shall be disqualified from holding public office by reason of his or her membership.

(e) The commission, with the approval of the Governor, may employ such professional, technical, or clerical personnel as deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this part.