§ 43-18-23 - Powers and duties; rules and regulations; seal
O.C.G.A. 43-18-23 (2010)
43-18-23. Powers and duties; rules and regulations; seal
For the purpose of better protection of life and health, preventing the spread of contagious, communicable, and infectious diseases, and regulating the practice of embalming and funeral directing and the care and disposition of dead human bodies, the board is authorized:
(1) To prescribe a standard of proficiency as to the qualifications and fitness of those engaged in and who may engage in the practice of embalming or funeral directing and the care and disposition of dead human bodies;
(2) To revoke the license of any embalmer or funeral director for incompetency, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, violation of this article, failure to observe the standards of proficiency or rules and regulations promulgated by the board, or any other cause as provided in this article;
(3) To fix and prescribe rules and regulations governing the business or profession of funeral directing and the business or profession of embalming;
(4) To fix and prescribe standards of sanitation to be observed in the embalming of dead human bodies or cremation of dead human bodies;
(5) To regulate and control the business or profession of funeral directing or embalming;
(6) To fix and prescribe minimum standards of general appearance of funeral establishments or crematories;
(7) To adopt a common seal; and
(8) To make and promulgate rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of this state for the regulation of such board and for the practice of embalming and funeral directing within this state. All rules and regulations of the board existing immediately prior to April 11, 1990, which are not inconsistent with this article shall continue in effect until repealed, amended, or otherwise changed by the board.