§ 38-3-30 - Aid rendered by local employees to other political subdivisions; reimbursement of personnel and equipment expenses by aided locality; procedure

O.C.G.A. 38-3-30 (2010)
38-3-30. Aid rendered by local employees to other political subdivisions; reimbursement of personnel and equipment expenses by aided locality; procedure

(a) Whenever the employees of any political subdivision are rendering outside aid pursuant to the authority contained in Code Section 38-3-27, the employees shall have the same powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities as if they were performing their duties in the political subdivisions in which they are normally employed.

(b) The political subdivision in which any equipment is used pursuant to this Code section shall be liable for any loss or damage thereto and shall pay any expense incurred in the operation and maintenance thereof. No claim for the loss, damage, or expense shall be allowed unless, within 60 days after the same is sustained or incurred, an itemized notice of the claim under oath is served by mail or otherwise upon the chief fiscal officer of the political subdivision where the equipment was used. The political subdivision which is aided pursuant to this Code section shall also pay and reimburse the political subdivision furnishing the aid for the compensation paid to employees furnished under this Code section during the time of the rendition of the aid and shall defray the actual traveling and maintenance expenses of the employees while they are rendering the aid. The reimbursement shall include any amounts paid or due for compensation due to personal injury or death while the employees are engaged in rendering the aid. The term "employee," as used in this Code section, shall mean, and this Code section shall apply with equal effect to, paid, volunteer, and auxiliary employees and emergency management workers.

(c) The foregoing rights, privileges, and obligations shall also apply in the event such aid is rendered outside the state, provided that payment or reimbursement in such case shall or may be made by the state or political subdivision receiving the aid pursuant to a reciprocal mutual-aid agreement or compact with the state or by the federal government.