§ 38-2-321 - Definitions

O.C.G.A. 38-2-321 (2010)
38-2-321. Definitions

As used in this article, the term:

(1) "Active state duty" means full-time military duty in the active service of the state under an order of the Governor issued pursuant to Code Section 38-2-6 or 38-2-72 and while going to and returning from such duty.

(2) "Duty status other than active duty" means any one of the types of duty described in Code Section 38-2-25 and while going to and returning from such duty.

(3) "Enlisted person" means any person who is serving in an enlisted grade in any force of the organized militia.

(4) "Law officer" means an official of a general court-martial detailed in accordance with Code Section 38-2-394.

(5) "Law specialist" means an officer of the Georgia Naval Militia designated for special duty (law).

(6) "Military court" means a court-martial, a court of inquiry, or a provost court.

(7) "Officer" means a commissioned officer including a commissioned warrant officer.

(8) "Organized militia" means the organized militia, the composition of which is stated in Code Section 38-2-2.

(9) "Staff judge advocate" or "legal officer" means an officer of the organized militia designated to perform legal duties for a command.

(10) "Superior officer" means an officer superior in rank or command.