§ 38-2-2 - Definitions
O.C.G.A. 38-2-2 (2010)
38-2-2. Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term:
(1) "Active military service of the United States" and "in the armed forces of the United States" mean full-time duty in the army, navy, marine corps, air force, or coast guard of the United States.
(2) "Active service" and "active duty" mean military duty in or with a force of the organized militia (not including the inactive National Guard) or in the Military Division, Department of Defense, either in a full-time status or in a part-time status, depending upon the conditions under which the duty is performed.
(3) "Military" and "military and naval" mean army or land, air force or air, and navy or naval.
(4) "Military" or "military or naval" means army or land, air force or air, or navy or naval.
(5) "Military service of the state," as to military personnel, means service in or with a force of the organized militia or in the Military Division, Department of Defense.
(6) "National Guard" means the Georgia National Guard, the composition of which is set forth in Code Section 38-2-3.
(7) "Naval Militia" means the Georgia Naval Militia as may be organized hereafter.
(8) "Officer" or "commissioned officer" includes warrant officers.
(9) "On the active list" means on the rolls of a force of the organized militia, not including the inactive National Guard.
(10) "Organized militia," "all or any part of the organized militia," "organized militia or any part thereof," "any force of the organized militia," and "organized militia or any force thereof" mean, severally, the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, the Georgia Naval Militia, when organized, and the State Defense Force, when organized, and include any unit, component, element, headquarters, staff, or cadre thereof as well as any member or members.