§ 33-3-24 - Restrictions as to transaction of insurance by certain organizations -- Institutions of Farm Credit System
O.C.G.A. 33-3-24 (2010)
33-3-24. Restrictions as to transaction of insurance by certain organizations -- Institutions of Farm Credit System
(a) No institution included in the Farm Credit System as set forth and identified in 12 U.S.C.A., Section 2002 (Pub. Law 92-181, Sec. 1.2, Dec. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 583), any subsidiary or affiliate of such institution doing business in this state, any officer or employee of any institution included in the Farm Credit System, or any subsidiary or affiliate of any institution may directly or indirectly be licensed to sell or solicit any type of insurance, except the following:
(1) Credit life and accident and health in an amount appropriate to insure repayment of the loan;
(2) Crop hail, hail, or wind damage to crops; or
(3) Insurance against loss of any collateral securing a loan extended by an affiliate bank or association of the Farm Credit System for the full value of such collateral. The right to place collateral insurance, however, shall continue only so long as the underlying loan remains outstanding or until the expiration of the policy, but in no event longer than 12 months from the last day the loan was outstanding.
(b) For purposes of this Code section, "collateral securing a loan" shall include only that property which is subject to the formal security interest granted in connection with the secured loan and duly filed and recorded in the county where the debtor resides; provided, however, "collateral securing a loan" shall not include any property acquired by the debtor after the date the underlying loan was made unless the secured party shall make an advance to the debtor or otherwise give new value which is to be secured in whole or in part by after-acquired property.
(c) For the purposes of this Code section, institutions constituting the Farm Credit System shall include the federal land banks, the federal land bank associations, the federal intermediate credit banks, the production credit associations, the banks for cooperatives, and such other institutions as may be made part of the system, all of which are chartered by and subject to the supervision of the Farm Credit Administration; provided, however, that the types of insurance described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) of this Code section may only be transacted, sold, or solicited for the purposes of protecting loans made for agricultural purposes to farmers by an institution of the Farm Credit System or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof doing business in this state.
(d) Any person holding a license to sell or solicit insurance on April 8, 1977, and disqualified under the terms of subsection (a) of this Code section upon termination of his association as an employee or officer, or both, of any Farm Credit System institution or affiliate or subsidiary thereof shall have his license reissued upon request without the necessity of taking or passing any examination. Applications shall be made within 60 days from the date of termination of such employment.