§ 32-4-41 - Duties
O.C.G.A. 32-4-41 (2010)
32-4-41. Duties
The duties of a county with respect to its county road system, unless otherwise expressly limited by law, shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) A county shall plan, designate, improve, manage, control, construct, and maintain an adequate county road system and shall have control of and responsibility for all construction, maintenance, or other work related to the county road system. Such work may be accomplished through the use of county forces, including inmate labor, by contract as authorized in paragraph (5) of Code Section 32-4-42, or otherwise as permitted by law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prevent a county from entering into a contract providing for a municipality to maintain an extension of the county road system within the municipal limits;
(2) A county shall control, administer, and account for funds received for the county road system and activities incident thereto from any source whatsoever, whether federal, state, county, municipal, or any other; and it shall expend such funds for and on behalf of the county in connection with the county road system and for any purpose in connection therewith which may be authorized in this title or by any other law;
(3) A county shall inspect and determine the maximum load, weight, and other vehicular dimensions which can be safely transported over each bridge on the county road system and shall post on each bridge and on each approach thereto on the county road a sign containing a legible notice showing such maximum safe limits, each such sign to conform to the department regulations promulgated under authority of Code Section 32-6-50. However, the department is authorized to give technical assistance to counties, when so requested, in carrying out this paragraph. It shall be unlawful for any person to haul, drive, or bring on any bridge any vehicle, load, or weight which in any manner exceeds the maximum limits so ascertained and posted on such bridge; and any person hauling, driving, or otherwise bringing on such bridge any load or weight exceeding the maximum limits so ascertained and posted shall do so at his own risk; and the county shall not be liable for any damages to persons or property that may result therefrom;
(4) A county shall keep on file in the office of the county clerk, available for public inspection, the map of the county road system prepared by the department as provided for in subsection (a) of Code Section 32-4-2. In addition to keeping on file a map of the county road system, the county shall notify the department within three months after a county road is added to the local road or street system and shall further notify the department within three months after a local road or street has been abandoned. This notification shall be accompanied by a map or plat depicting the location of the new or abandoned road;
(5) A county shall procure the necessary rights of way for public roads of the state highway system within the county in compliance with subsection (e) of Code Section 32-3-3 and Code Section 32-5-25; and
(6) In acquiring property for rights of way for federal-aid highway projects on its county road system, the county shall comply with the requirements of the applicable provisions of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970, as amended by the Uniform Relocation Act Amendments of 1987, Title IV of Public Law 100-17, and in general shall be guided by the policies applicable to the department as set forth in Code Section 32-8-1.