§ 31-6-70 - Reports to the department by certain health care facilities and all ambulatory surgical centers and imaging centers
O.C.G.A. 31-6-70 (2010)
31-6-70. Reports to the department by certain health care facilities and all ambulatory surgical centers and imaging centers
(a) There shall be required from each health care facility in this state requiring a certificate of need and all ambulatory surgical centers and imaging centers, whether or not exempt from obtaining a certificate of need under this chapter, an annual report of certain health care information to be submitted to the department. The report shall be due on the last day of January and shall cover the 12 month period preceding each such calendar year.
(b) The report required under subsection (a) of this Code section shall contain the following information:
(1) Total gross revenues;
(2) Bad debts;
(3) Amounts of free care extended, excluding bad debts;
(4) Contractual adjustments;
(5) Amounts of care provided under a Hill-Burton commitment;
(6) Amounts of charity care provided to indigent persons;
(7) Amounts of outside sources of funding from governmental entities, philanthropic groups, or any other source, including the proportion of any such funding dedicated to the care of indigent persons; and
(8) For cases involving indigent persons:
(A) The number of persons treated;
(B) The number of inpatients and outpatients;
(C) Total patient days;
(D) The number of patients categorized by county of residence; and
(E) The indigent care costs incurred by the health care facility by county of residence.
(c) As used in subsection (b) of this Code section, "indigent persons" means persons having as a maximum allowable income level an amount corresponding to 125 percent of the federal poverty guideline.
(d) The department shall provide a form for the report required by subsection (a) of this Code section and may provide in said form for further categorical divisions of the information listed in subsection (b) of this Code section.
(e) (1) In the event the department does not receive information responsive to subparagraph (c)(2)(A) of Code Section 31-6-40 by December 30, 2008, or an annual report from a health care facility requiring a certificate of need or an ambulatory surgical center or imaging center, whether or not exempt from obtaining a certificate of need under this chapter, on or before the date such report was due or receives a timely but incomplete report, the department shall notify the health care facility or center regarding the deficiencies and shall be authorized to fine such health care facility or center an amount not to exceed $500.00 per day for every day up to 30 days and $1,000.00 per day for every day over 30 days for every day of such untimely or deficient report.
(2) In the event the department does not receive an annual report from a health care facility within 180 days following the date such report was due or receives a timely but incomplete report which is not completed within such 180 days, the department shall be authorized to revoke such health care facility's certificate of need in accordance with Code Section 31-6-45.
(f) No application for a certificate of need under Article 3 of this chapter shall be considered as complete if the applicant has not submitted the annual report required by subsection (a) of this Code section.