§ 30-3-6 - Parking lot spaces

O.C.G.A. 30-3-6 (2010)
30-3-6. Parking lot spaces

(a) In addition to any other requirement under this chapter, all parking lots for more than 40 vehicles receiving permits for construction after July 1, 1987, but before July 1, 1995, shall include at least one parking space for persons with disabilities accessible to a passenger van having an overall height not exceeding 108 inches, with additional side-loading mechanism clearance in compliance with American National Standards Institute specifications A117.1-1986 (A4.6.2); and each such parking space shall be at a grade not exceeding 2 percent and shall not require the use of an unattended fare gate mechanism which blocks access to or exit from such space unless gate-opening mechanisms are provided at a height accessible to a van driver.

(b) Compliance with this Code section may be waived under the same conditions as provided in Code Section 30-3-3.