§ 29-4-21 - Rights and privileges removed from ward upon appointment of guardian

O.C.G.A. 29-4-21 (2010)
29-4-21. Rights and privileges removed from ward upon appointment of guardian

(a) Unless the court's order specifies that one or more of the following powers are to be retained by the ward, the appointment of a guardian shall remove from the ward the power to:

(1) Contract marriage;

(2) Make, modify, or terminate other contracts;

(3) Consent to medical treatment;

(4) Establish a residence or dwelling place;

(5) Change domicile;

(6) Revoke a revocable trust established by the ward; and

(7) Bring or defend any action at law or equity, except an action relating to the guardianship.

(b) The mere appointment of a guardian does not revoke the powers of an agent who was previously appointed by the ward to act as an agent under a durable power of attorney for health care or health care agent under an advance directive for health care.