§ 27-4-72 - Commercial eel fishing
O.C.G.A. 27-4-72 (2010)
27-4-72. Commercial eel fishing
(a) It shall be unlawful to fish commercially for adult eels except with a valid commercial fishing license as prescribed in Code Section 27-2-23 and a valid commercial fishing boat license as prescribed in Code Section 27-2-8 and except in those areas where commercial salt-water catfishing is permitted as provided in Code Section 27-4-115 and except in those areas where commercial crab traps are permitted as provided in Code Section 27-4-151 and except in those waters specifically opened to such taking by the board.
(b) It shall be unlawful to fish commercially for adult eels in waters opened by the board to such taking except in the manner, by the means and method, and with the type of gear authorized by the board for such taking. It shall also be unlawful to fish commercially for adult eels in any other waters except with the following gear, to which must be attached a tag bearing the name, address, and license number of the person using such gear:
(1) Traps with a diameter of no more than two feet and a length of no more than four feet, which traps have a muzzle or throat which has a round opening no greater than two inches in diameter. The mesh size for such traps may be no smaller than 1" X 1/2";
(2) Pots may be no longer than 24" X 24" X 15" and must have a mesh size no smaller than 1" X 1/2". The muzzle or throat of such pots must have a round opening no greater than two inches in diameter.
(c) It shall be unlawful to retain any fish other than adult eels while engaged in commercial eel fishing. Possession of any fish other than adult eels shall be prima-facie evidence of fishing illegally.
(d) As used in this Code section, adult eels shall mean eels at least six inches in length.
(e) In accordance with subsections (a) and (b) of this Code section and as appropriate, based on sound principles of wildlife research and management, the board is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations opening certain waters or portions thereof to commercial eel fishing and prescribing the manner, method, means, and type of gear for such taking.