§ 21-2-284 - Form of official primary ballot; attestation regarding receiving value in exchange for vote
O.C.G.A. 21-2-284 (2010)
21-2-284. Form of official primary ballot; attestation regarding receiving value in exchange for vote
(a) In each primary separate official ballots shall be prepared for the political party holding the primary. At the top of each ballot shall be printed in prominent type the words "OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT OF PARTY FOR," followed by the designation of the precinct for which it is prepared and the name and date of the primary.
(b) The State Election Board shall by rule and regulation determine the appropriate wording for directions as to how a vote should be cast on each type of voting equipment used in the state and how a new ballot should be issued when a ballot is spoiled.
(c) Immediately under the directions, the names of all candidates who have qualified with the party in accordance with this chapter and party rules and who have been certified to the superintendent or Secretary of State as having so qualified shall be printed on the ballots, except unopposed candidates in municipal primaries where the municipal charter or ordinance does not prohibit the omission of such candidates' names from the ballot. The names of the candidates shall in all cases be arranged under the title of the office for which they are candidates and be printed thereunder in alphabetical order. The incumbency of a candidate seeking party nomination for the public office he or she then holds shall be indicated on the ballots. Under the title of each office shall be placed a direction as to the number of candidates to be voted for.
(d) If at any general primary a political party shall submit to its members any matter or question to be voted upon, the party shall by the deadline for certifying candidates for the primary election certify the wording of said question to the superintendent, if to be voted on by one county only, or to the Secretary of State, if to be voted on by more than one county; and the superintendent or Secretary of State shall have such language printed on the ballot form. To the left of each question there shall be placed the words "Yes" and "No" together with appropriate squares to the left of each for the convenient insertion of a cross (X) or check ([checkmark]) mark. If at any municipal primary a political party shall submit to its members any matter or question to be voted upon, the party shall also have printed on the ballots the necessary language to guide the elector in the expression of his or her choice as to such matter or question.
(e) Each ballot shall have printed thereon the following:
"I understand that the offer or acceptance of money or any other object of value to vote for any particular candidate, list of candidates, issue, or list of issues included in this election constitutes an act of voter fraud and is a felony under Georgia law."
(f) The ballots shall vary in form only as the names of precincts, offices, candidates, or this chapter may require.