§ 21-2-593 - Failure of law enforcement officers to remove obstacles or to maintain order at polling places; hindrance or delay of poll officers by law enforcement officers

O.C.G.A. 21-2-593 (2010)
21-2-593. Failure of law enforcement officers to remove obstacles or to maintain order at polling places; hindrance or delay of poll officers by law enforcement officers

Any law enforcement officer who:

(1) Willfully neglects or refuses to clear an avenue to the door of any polling place which is obstructed in such a way as to prevent electors from entering, when called upon to do so by any poll officer or elector of the precinct;

(2) Willfully neglects or refuses to maintain order and quell any disturbance if such arises at any polling place upon the day of any primary or election, when called upon to do so by any poll officer or elector of the precinct; or

(3) Willfully hinders or delays, or attempts to hinder or delay, any poll officer in the performance of any duty under this chapter

shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.