§ 21-1-1 - Definitions and descriptions for use in designating congressional districts

O.C.G.A. 21-1-1 (2010)
21-1-1. Definitions and descriptions for use in designating congressional districts

(a) For purposes of this chapter:

(1) The terms "Tract" and "BG" (Block Group) shall mean and describe the same geographical boundaries as provided in the report of the Bureau of the Census for the United States decennial census of 2000 for the State of Georgia. The separate numeric designations in a Tract description which are underneath a "BG" heading shall mean and describe individual Blocks within a Block Group as provided in the report of the Bureau of the Census for the United States decennial census of 2000 for the State of Georgia.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in the description of any congressional district, whenever the description of any congressional district refers to a named city, it shall mean the geographical boundaries of that city as shown on the census maps for the United States decennial census of 2000 for the State of Georgia.

(b) Any part of the State of Georgia which is not included in any congressional district described in subsection (a) of Code Section 21-1-2 shall be included within that district contiguous to such part which contains the least population according to the United States decennial census of 2000 for the State of Georgia.

(c) Any part of the State of Georgia which is described in subsection (a) of Code Section 21-1-2 as being included in a particular congressional district shall nevertheless not be included within such congressional district if such part is not contiguous to such congressional district. Such noncontiguous part shall instead be included within that congressional district contiguous to such part which contains the least population according to the United States decennial census of 2000 for the State of Georgia.