§ 20-2-2068.1 - Quality basic education formula applies; grants, local tax revenue, and funds from local bonds
O.C.G.A. 20-2-2068.1 (2010)
20-2-2068.1. Quality basic education formula applies; grants, local tax revenue, and funds from local bonds
(a) A local charter school shall be included in the allotment of QBE formula earnings, applicable QBE grants, applicable non-QBE state grants, and applicable federal grants to the local school system in which the local charter school is located under Article 6 of this chapter. The local board and the state board shall treat a conversion charter school no less favorably than other local schools located within the applicable local school system unless otherwise provided by law. The local board and the state board shall treat a start-up charter school no less favorably than other local schools within the applicable local system with respect to the provision of funds for instruction, school administration, transportation, food services, and, where feasible, building programs.
(b) QBE formula earnings, applicable QBE grants, applicable non-QBE state grants, and applicable federal grants earned by a local charter school shall be distributed to the local charter school by the local board; provided, however, that state equalization grant earnings shall be distributed as provided in subsection (c) of this Code section. QBE formula earnings shall include the salary portion of direct instructional costs, the adjustment for training and experience, the nonsalary portion of direct instructional costs, and earnings for psychologists and school social workers, school administration, facility maintenance and operation, media centers, additional days of instruction in accordance with Code Section 20-2-184.1, and staff development. The local charter school shall report enrolled students in a manner consistent with Code Section 20-2-160.
(c) In addition to the earnings set out in subsection (b) of this Code section, local revenue shall be allocated to a local charter school on the same basis as for any local school in the local school system. In the case of a start-up charter school, local revenue earnings shall be calculated as follows:
(1) Determine the total amount of state and local five mill share funds earned by students enrolled in the local start-up charter school as calculated by the Quality Basic Education Formula pursuant to Part 4 of Article 6 of this chapter including any funds for psychologists and school social workers but excluding 5 percent of system-wide funds for central administration and excluding any categorical grants not applicable to the charter school;
(2) Determine the total amount of state and local five mill share funds earned by all students in the public schools of the local school system, including any charter schools that receive local revenue, as calculated by the Quality Basic Education Formula but excluding categorical grants and other non-QBE formula grants;
(3) Divide the amount obtained in paragraph (1) of this subsection by the amount obtained in paragraph (2) of this subsection; and
(4) Multiply the quotient obtained in paragraph (3) of this subsection by the school system's local revenue.
The product obtained in paragraph (4) of this subsection shall be the amount of local funds to be distributed to the local start-up charter school by the local board; provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall preclude a charter petitioner and a local board of education from specifying in the charter a greater amount of local funds to be provided by the local board to the local start-up charter school if agreed upon by all parties to the charter. Local funds so earned shall be distributed to the local start-up charter school by the local board. Where feasible and where services are provided, funds for construction projects shall also be distributed to the local start-up charter school as earned. In all other fiscal matters, including applicable federal allotments, the local board shall treat the local start-up charter school no less favorably than other local schools located within the applicable school system and shall calculate and distribute the funding for the start-up charter school on the basis of its actual or projected enrollment in the current school year according to an enrollment counting procedure or projection method stipulated in the terms of the charter.
(c.1) The adjustments in each program for training and experience used in calculating the start-up charter school's QBE formula earnings shall be calculated in the same manner as for any local school within the local school system; provided, however, that the adjustments in each program for training and experience used in calculating the start-up charter school's QBE formula earnings shall not be less than one-half of the comparable percentages for the local school system in which the charter school is located.
(c.2) For newly approved local charter schools, including charter renewals, the local board of education may retain an amount of the charter school's per pupil share of state and local funding not to exceed 3 percent of the total funds earned by the charter school to reimburse the local school system for administrative services actually provided to the charter school.
(d) QBE formula earnings, applicable QBE grants, applicable non-QBE state grants, and applicable federal grants that are earned by a state chartered special school shall be distributed to the local board of the local school system in which the state chartered special school is located which shall distribute the same amount to the state chartered special school; provided, however, that a state chartered special school shall not be included in the calculation and distribution of the local school system's equalization grant unless the voters of the local school system have approved the use of revenue from local tax levies and funds from local bonded indebtedness to support the state chartered special school in accordance with subsection (e) of this Code section. If such approval has been given, state equalization grant earnings shall be earned for the state chartered special school and shall be distributed as provided in subsection (f) of this Code section. The local board shall not be responsible for the fiscal management, accounting, or oversight of the state chartered special school. The state chartered special school shall report enrolled students in a manner consistent with Code Section 20-2-160. Any data required to be reported by the state chartered special school shall be submitted directly by the school to the appropriate state agency. Where feasible, the state board shall treat a state chartered special school no less favorably than other public schools within the state with respect to the provision of funds for transportation and building programs.
(e) The state board may require a local referendum of the qualified voters in the local school system in which the state chartered special school will be located. Such referendum shall be held at the next regularly scheduled general election or as may otherwise be authorized at an earlier date by the local board or boards of education affected. Such referendum shall be held for the purpose of deciding whether the local board of education shall provide funds from school tax levies to support such state chartered special school or incur bonded indebtedness to support such state chartered special school or both. The ballot question shall be approved by the state board.
(f) The local board shall treat a state chartered special school for which the use of funds from local bonded indebtedness and local school tax levies has been approved by qualified voters in the system in accordance with subsection (e) of this Code section no less favorably than other public schools located within the applicable school system.
(g) The local board shall not distribute funds from local bond indebtedness and local school tax levies to a state chartered special school unless such use has been approved by qualified voters in accordance with subsection (e) of this Code section.
(h) For system charter schools, funds including federal, state, and local revenue shall be distributed to each such school by the charter system in a manner and in such amounts as are provided in the terms of the charter with an objective of maximizing spending at the school level.