§ 20-2-2067.1 - Amendment of terms of charter for charter school; initial term of charter; annual report

O.C.G.A. 20-2-2067.1 (2010)
20-2-2067.1. Amendment of terms of charter for charter school; initial term of charter; annual report

(a) The terms of a charter for a local charter school may be amended during the term of the charter upon the approval of the local board, the state board, and the charter school. The terms of a charter for a state chartered special school may be amended during the term of the charter upon the approval of the state board and the charter school. The terms of a charter for a charter system may be amended during the term of the charter upon approval of the state board and the local board.

(b) The initial term of a charter, except for a charter system, shall be for a minimum of five years, unless the petitioner shall request a shorter period of time, and shall not exceed ten years. The local board and the state board, in accordance with Code Section 20-2-2064.1, may renew a local charter, upon the request of the charter school, for the period of time specified in the request, not to exceed ten years. The state board may renew a state chartered special school, upon the request of the school, for the period of time specified in the request, not to exceed ten years. The initial term of a charter for a charter system shall not exceed five years. The state board may renew the charter of a charter system, upon the request of the local board, for the period of time specified in the request, not to exceed ten years.

(c) Each start-up and conversion charter school and each charter system shall submit an annual report outlining the previous year's progress to the authorizing local board or state board, as appropriate; to parents and guardians of students enrolled in the school, or, for a charter system, to parents and guardians of students enrolled in school within the local school system; and to the Department of Education no later than October 1 of each year. The report submitted by a charter system shall include, but not limited to, data on all of its system charter schools. The report shall contain, but is not limited to:

(1) An indication of progress toward the goals as included in the charter;

(2) Academic data for the previous year, including state academic accountability data, such as standardized test scores and adequate yearly progress data;

(3) Unaudited financial statements for the fiscal year ending on June 30, provided that audited statements will be forwarded to the local board and state board upon completion;

(4) Updated contact information for the school and the administrator, and for charter systems, each system charter school and its respective administrator;

(5) Proof of current nonprofit status, if applicable;

(6) Any other supplemental information that the charter school or charter system chooses to include or that the state board requests that demonstrates that school or system's success; and

(7) For charter systems, an on-site external evaluation of the system at least once every five years, as determined by the state board.