§ 20-12-3 - Powers of board of regents
O.C.G.A. 20-12-3 (2010)
20-12-3. Powers of board of regents
For the purposes of this chapter, the board of regents shall have the powers:
(1) To acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise and to hold, lease, and dispose of any real and personal property;
(2) To appoint such additional officers, who need not be members of the board of regents, as the board of regents deems advisable; to employ such experts, employees, and agents as may be, in its judgment, necessary; to fix their compensation; and to promote and discharge such officers, employees, and agents;
(3) To make such contracts as the legitimate and necessary purposes of this chapter shall require and to execute and perform such facility lease contracts with local, state, or federal government agencies; public or private colleges and universities not component units of the university system; nonprofit organizations; foundations; corporations; private business firms; and individuals as shall be consonant with all the purposes of this chapter; and to make all contracts necessary for the projects as defined and described in this article, provided that all contracts for the construction of projects shall be let by public bid upon plans and specifications approved by the board of regents or its successors in office;
(4) To construct, erect, repair, own, maintain, add to, extend, improve, operate, and manage projects, as defined in Code Section 20-12-1, to be located on property owned by the board of regents;
(5) To contract with other state departments, boards, commissions, agencies, bureaus, and authorities to provide for the financing or construction of projects, or both;
(6) To exercise any power usually possessed by other departments of the executive branch of state government;
(7) To study and plan a complex which may include research, academic, industrial, and other related activities conducted by local, state, or federal government agencies; the university system or any of its component units; other public or private colleges and universities; nonprofit organizations; foundations; corporations; private business firms; and individuals;
(8) To establish criteria for the participation of these various entities in the complex, to promote their participation in the complex, and to negotiate with such entities to arrange for their location in the complex;
(9) To receive funds, facilities, land, or other support from local, state, and federal governments; from nonprofit organizations and foundations; and from business firms and individuals, in any form, such as grants, allocations, gifts, exchanges, or rentals; and
(10) To establish and operate one or more marine resources extension centers and in connection therewith furnish instructions and practical demonstrations in the application of marine science and techniques to vocational, industrial, and recreational utilization and development of coastal and offshore lands, waters, and resources; to contract with any public agency, department, or instrumentality or any private person or corporation for the furnishing of instructions and demonstrations in accordance with the direction and under the supervision of the board of regents.