§ 19-3-36 - Proof of age of applicants
O.C.G.A. 19-3-36 (2010)
19-3-36. Proof of age of applicants
The judge of the probate court to whom the application for a marriage license is made shall satisfy himself or herself that the provisions set forth in Code Section 19-3-2 regarding age limitations are met. If the judge does not know of his or her own knowledge the age of a party for whom a marriage license is sought, the judge shall require the applicant to furnish the court with documentary evidence of proof of age in the form of a birth certificate, driver's license, baptismal certificate, certificate of birth registration, selective service card, court record, passport, immigration papers, alien papers, citizenship papers, armed forces discharge papers, armed forces identification card, or hospital admission card containing the full name and date of birth. In the event an applicant does not possess any of the above but appears to the judge to be at least 25 years of age, the applicant, in lieu of furnishing the judge with one of the above, may give an affidavit to the judge stating the applicant's age. Applicants who have satisfactorily proved that they have reached the age of majority may be issued a marriage license immediately.