§ 16-12-24 - Possession, manufacture, or transfer of gambling device or parts; possession of antique slot machines
O.C.G.A. 16-12-24 (2010)
16-12-24. Possession, manufacture, or transfer of gambling device or parts; possession of antique slot machines
(a) A person who knowingly owns, manufactures, transfers commercially, or possesses any device which he knows is designed for gambling purposes or anything which he knows is designed as a subassembly or essential part of such device is guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
(b)(1) As used in this subsection, the term:
(A) "Antique slot machine" means a coin operated, nonelectronic mechanical gambling device that pays off according to the matching of symbols on wheels spun by a handle and was manufactured in its entirety, except for identical replacement parts, prior to January 1, 1950.
(B) "Conviction" includes a plea of nolo contendere to a felony.
(2) It shall be a defense to any action or prosecution under this Code section for possession of a gambling device that the device is an antique slot machine and that said device was not being used for gambling; provided, however, the defense shall not be available to any person who has been convicted of a felony in this or any other state or under federal law and provided, further, that this defense shall not be available if the antique slot machine is on the premises of a private or public club or in an establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold.
(3) Any antique slot machine seized as a result of a violation of this Code section shall be contraband and subject to seizure and destruction as provided in Code Section 16-12-30. An antique slot machine seized for a violation of this Code section shall not be destroyed, altered, or sold until the owner has been afforded a reasonable opportunity to present evidence that the device was not operated for unlawful gambling or in violation of this Code section. If the court determines that the device is an antique slot machine and was not operated or possessed in violation of this or any other Code section, such device shall be returned to its owner.