§ 14-9A-122 - Dissolution -- By acts of partners; notice required

O.C.G.A. 14-9A-122 (2010)
14-9A-122. Dissolution -- By acts of partners; notice required

(a) No dissolution of a limited partnership by the acts of the partners shall take place prior to the time specified in the original certificate or the certificate of renewal until a notice of such intended dissolution, signed by all the partners or their representatives, has been filed and recorded in the clerk's office in which the original certificate was recorded and published at least once a week for four weeks in a newspaper printed in each of the counties where the partnership has places of business. If no newspaper is printed in such counties, the notice shall be published for four weeks in the newspapers in which the sheriffs of such counties advertise.

(b) Nothing contained in this Code section shall be construed to affect the collection of any demand against any of the special partners which may have been contracted prior to the commencement of such limited partnership.