§ 1-3-3 - Definitions

O.C.G.A. 1-3-3 (2010)
1-3-3. Definitions

As used in this Code or in any other law of this state, the term:

(1) "Abode" ordinarily means domicile.

(2) "Accident" means an event which takes place without one's foresight or expectation or design.

(3) "Act of God" means an accident produced by physical causes which are irresistible or inevitable, such as lightning, storms, perils of the sea, earthquakes, inundations, sudden death, or illness. This expression excludes all idea of human agency.

(4) "Aforesaid" means next before.

(4.1) "Agriculture," "agricultural operations," or "agricultural or farm products" means raising, harvesting, or storing of crops; feeding, breeding, or managing livestock or poultry; producing or storing feed for use in the production of livestock, including, but not limited to, cattle, calves, swine, hogs, goats, sheep, and rabbits, or for use in the production of poultry, including, but not limited to, chickens, hens, ratites, and turkeys; producing plants, trees, fowl, or animals; or the production of aquacultural, horticultural, dairy, livestock, poultry, eggs, and apiarian products. If the term "agriculture," "agricultural operations," or "agricultural or farm products" is defined in Title 2, Title 4, Title 10, or Title 11 or in any chapter, article, part, subpart, or Code section of such titles, such specific definition shall control for such purposes over the definition contained in this paragraph. Agricultural or farm products are considered grown in this state if such products are grown, produced, or processed in this state, whether or not such products are composed of constituent products grown or produced outside this state.

(5) "As soon as possible" means within a reasonable time, having due regard to all the circumstances.

(6) "Child" or "grandchild" means legitimate descendants.

(7) "County governing authority" means the board of county commissioners, the sole county commissioner, or the governing authority of a consolidated government.

(7.1) "Crops" or "growing crops" means fruits and products of all annual or perennial plants, trees, and shrubs and shall also include plants, trees, shrubs, and other agricultural products that are produced for sale. If the term "crops" or "growing crops" is defined in Title 2, Title 4, or Title 10 or in any chapter, article, part, subpart, or Code section of such titles, such specific definition shall control for such purposes over the definition contained in this paragraph.

(8) "Following" means next after.

(9) "Lunatic," "insane," or "non compos mentis" each includes all persons of unsound mind.

(10) "May" ordinarily denotes permission and not command. However, where the word as used concerns the public interest or affects the rights of third persons, it shall be construed to mean "must" or "shall."

(11) "Month" means a calendar month. A scholastic month in public schools is 20 school days.

(12) "Oath" includes affirmation.

(13) "Penitentiary" means any place where inmates are confined under the authority of any law of this state.

(14) "Person" includes a corporation.

(15) "Preceding" means next before.

(16) "Property" includes real and personal property.

(16.1) "Ratites" mean any members of the ratite family, including but not limited to ostriches, emus, and rheas, which are not indigenous to this state and which are raised for the purpose of producing meat, fiber, or animal by-products or as breeding stock. For the purposes of the laws of this state, ratites shall be treated as poultry and the term poultry as used in this Code or any law of this state shall include ratites unless such ratites are specifically excluded from the operation of any such law or unless such law or the operation thereof is restricted to a certain type of poultry.

(17) "Seal" includes impressions on the paper itself, as well as impressions on wax or wafers. With the exception of official seals, a scrawl or any other mark intended as a seal shall be held as such.

(18) "Sickness" means any affection of the body which deprives it temporarily of the power to fulfill its usual functions.

(19) "Signature" or "subscription" includes the mark of an illiterate or infirm person.

(19.5) "Statutory overnight delivery" shall have the meaning provided for in subsection (b) of Code Section 9-10-12.

(20) "Trespass" means any misfeasance, transgression, or offense which damages another's health, reputation, or property.

(21) "Until," when used with reference to a certain day, includes all of such day.

(22) "Whereas" means considering that.

(23) "Writing" includes printing and all numerals.

(24) "Year" means a calendar year.