- 682.01 Florida arbitration code.
- 682.02 Arbitration agreements made valid, irrevocable, and enforceable; scope.
- 682.03 Proceedings to compel and to stay arbitration.
- 682.04 Appointment of arbitrators by court.
- 682.05 Majority action by arbitrators.
- 682.06 Hearing.
- 682.07 Representation by attorney.
- 682.08 Witnesses, subpoenas, depositions.
- 682.09 Award.
- 682.10 Change of award by arbitrators or umpire.
- 682.11 Fees and expenses of arbitration.
- 682.12 Confirmation of an award.
- 682.13 Vacating an award.
- 682.14 Modification or correction of award.
- 682.15 Judgment or decree on award.
- 682.16 Judgment roll, docketing.
- 682.17 Application to court.
- 682.18 Court; definition; jurisdiction.
- 682.19 Venue.
- 682.20 Appeals.
- 682.21 Law not retroactive.
- 682.22 Severability.