- 552.081 Definitions.
- 552.091 License or permit required of manufacturer-distributor, dealer, user, or blaster of explosives.
- 552.092 Forms for applications for licenses and permits.
- 552.093 Competency examinations required.
- 552.094 Issuance of licenses, permits; prohibitions.
- 552.101 Possession without license prohibited; exceptions.
- 552.111 Maintenance of records and sales of explosives by manufacturer-distributors and dealers; inspections.
- 552.112 Maintenance of records by users; inspection.
- 552.113 Reports of thefts, illegal use, or illegal possession.
- 552.114 Sale, labeling, and disposition of explosives; unlawful possession.
- 552.12 Transportation of explosives without license prohibited; exceptions.
- 552.13 Promulgation of regulations by the Division of State Fire Marshal.
- 552.151 Procedure for cease and desist orders; administrative fine.
- 552.161 Administrative fines.
- 552.171 Suspension or revocation of license or permit.
- 552.181 Conduct of hearings.
- 552.20 Review of order of the division.
- 552.21 Confiscation and disposal of explosives.
- 552.211 Explosives; general.
- 552.212 Inspection of buildings, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment, or premises.
- 552.22 Penalties.
- 552.23 Injunction.
- 552.24 Exceptions.
- 552.241 Limited exemptions.
- 552.25 Municipal and county ordinances, rules, and regulations.
- 552.26 Administration of chapter; personnel; fees to be deposited in Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund.
- 552.27 Construction of chapter.
- 552.30 Construction materials mining activities.
- 552.32 Short title.
- 552.34 Legislative findings; public purpose.
- 552.36 Exclusive jurisdiction; Division of Administrative Hearings.
- 552.38 Security requirement.
- 552.40 Administrative remedy for alleged damage due to the use of explosives in connection with construction materials mining activities.
- 552.42 Appeal.
- 552.44 Prior claims.