PART II MORTGAGE BROKERS(ss. 494.0031-494.0043)
- 494.0031 Licensure as a mortgage brokerage business.
- 494.00312 Loan originator license.
- 494.00313 Loan originator license renewal.
- 494.0032 Renewal of mortgage brokerage business license or branch office license.
- 494.00321 Mortgage broker license.
- 494.00322 Mortgage broker license renewal.
- 494.0033 Mortgage broker’s license.
- 494.00331 Loan originator employment.
- 494.0034 Renewal of mortgage broker’s license.
- 494.0035 Principal loan originator and branch manager for mortgage broker.
- 494.0036 Mortgage broker branch office license.
- 494.0038 Loan origination and mortgage broker fees and disclosures.
- 494.0039 Principal place of business requirements.
- 494.004 Requirements of licensees.
- 494.0041 Administrative penalties and fines; license violations.
- 494.0042 Loan origination fees.
- 494.00421 Fees earned upon obtaining a bona fide commitment.
- 494.0043 Requirements for brokering loans to noninstitutional investors.