PART I GENERAL PROVISIONS(ss. 479.01-479.25)
- 479.01 Definitions.
- 479.015 Legislative intent with respect to regulation of signs in areas adjacent to state highways.
- 479.02 Duties of the department.
- 479.03 Jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation; entry upon privately owned lands.
- 479.04 Business of outdoor advertising; license requirement; renewal; fees.
- 479.05 Denial or revocation of license.
- 479.07 Sign permits.
- 479.08 Denial or revocation of permit.
- 479.10 Sign removal following permit revocation.
- 479.105 Signs erected or maintained without required permit; removal.
- 479.106 Vegetation management.
- 479.107 Signs on highway rights-of-way; removal.
- 479.11 Specified signs prohibited.
- 479.111 Specified signs allowed within controlled portions of the interstate and federal-aid primary highway system.
- 479.12 Outdoor advertising on highways.
- 479.14 Disposition of fees.
- 479.15 Harmony of regulations.
- 479.155 Local outdoor advertising or sign ordinances.
- 479.156 Wall murals.
- 479.16 Signs for which permits are not required.
- 479.21 Willfully or maliciously removing, destroying, damaging, or altering permitted signs; penalty.
- 479.24 Compensation for removal of signs; eminent domain; exceptions.
- 479.25 Erection of noise-attenuation barrier blocking view of sign; procedures; application.