Chapter 467 MIDWIFERY
- 467.001 Short title.
- 467.002 Legislative intent.
- 467.003 Definitions.
- 467.004 Council of Licensed Midwifery.
- 467.005 Authority to make rules.
- 467.006 Requirements to practice midwifery.
- 467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training requirements.
- 467.011 Licensure by examination.
- 467.012 Renewal of license.
- 467.0125 Licensure by endorsement.
- 467.013 Inactive status.
- 467.0135 Fees.
- 467.014 Financial responsibility.
- 467.015 Responsibilities of the midwife.
- 467.016 Informed consent.
- 467.017 Emergency care plan; immunity.
- 467.019 Records and reports.
- 467.201 Violations and penalties.
- 467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.
- 467.205 Approval of midwifery programs.
- 467.207 Exceptions.