- 445.001 Short title.
- 445.002 Definitions.
- 445.003 Implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
- 445.004 Workforce Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
- 445.006 Strategic and operational plans for workforce development.
- 445.007 Regional workforce boards.
- 445.0071 Florida Youth Summer Jobs Pilot Program.
- 445.008 Workforce Training Institute.
- 445.009 One-stop delivery system.
- 445.010 Workforce system information technology; principles and information sharing.
- 445.011 Workforce information systems.
- 445.014 Small business workforce service initiative.
- 445.016 Untried Worker Placement and Employment Incentive Act.
- 445.017 Diversion.
- 445.018 Diversion program to strengthen Florida’s families.
- 445.019 Teen parent and pregnancy prevention diversion program; eligibility for services.
- 445.020 Diversion programs; determination of need.
- 445.021 Relocation assistance program.
- 445.022 Retention Incentive Training Accounts.
- 445.023 Program for dependent care for families with children with special needs.
- 445.024 Work requirements.
- 445.025 Other support services.
- 445.026 Cash assistance severance benefit.
- 445.028 Transitional benefits and services.
- 445.029 Transitional medical benefits.
- 445.030 Transitional education and training.
- 445.031 Transitional transportation.
- 445.032 Transitional child care.
- 445.0325 Welfare Transition Trust Fund.
- 445.033 Evaluation.
- 445.034 Authorized expenditures.
- 445.035 Data collection and reporting.
- 445.038 Digital media; job training.
- 445.045 Development of an Internet-based system for information technology industry promotion and workforce recruitment.
- 445.046 Establishment of a network access point.
- 445.047 Passport to Economic Progress Act; legislative intent.
- 445.048 Passport to Economic Progress program.
- 445.049 Digital Divide Council.
- 445.051 Individual development accounts.
- 445.055 Employment advocacy and assistance program targeting military spouses and dependents.
- 445.056 Citizen Soldier Matching Grant Program.