- 393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
- 393.062 Legislative findings and declaration of intent.
- 393.063 Definitions.
- 393.064 Prevention.
- 393.0641 Program for the prevention and treatment of severe self-injurious behavior.
- 393.065 Application and eligibility determination.
- 393.0651 Family or individual support plan.
- 393.0654 Direct service providers; private sector services.
- 393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
- 393.0657 Persons not required to be refingerprinted or rescreened.
- 393.066 Community services and treatment.
- 393.0661 Home and community-based services delivery system; comprehensive redesign.
- 393.0662 Individual budgets for delivery of home and community-based services; iBudget system established.
- 393.067 Facility licensure.
- 393.0673 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; moratorium on admissions; administrative fines; procedures.
- 393.0674 Penalties.
- 393.0675 Injunctive proceedings authorized.
- 393.0678 Receivership proceedings.
- 393.068 Family care program.
- 393.0695 Provision of in-home subsidies.
- 393.071 Client fees.
- 393.075 General liability coverage.
- 393.11 Involuntary admission to residential services.
- 393.115 Discharge.
- 393.12 Capacity; appointment of guardian advocate.
- 393.122 Applications for continued residential services.
- 393.125 Hearing rights.
- 393.13 Treatment of persons with developmental disabilities.
- 393.135 Sexual misconduct prohibited; reporting required; penalties.
- 393.15 Legislative intent; Community Resources Development Loan Program.
- 393.17 Behavioral programs; certification of behavior analysts.
- 393.18 Comprehensive transitional education program.
- 393.22 Financial commitment to community services programs.
- 393.23 Developmental disabilities centers; trust accounts.
- 393.501 Rulemaking.
- 393.502 Family care councils.
- 393.503 Respite and family care subsidy expenditures; funding.
- 393.506 Administration of medication.