- 384.21 Short title.
- 384.22 Findings; intent.
- 384.23 Definitions.
- 384.24 Unlawful acts.
- 384.25 Reporting required.
- 384.26 Contact investigation.
- 384.27 Physical examination and treatment.
- 384.28 Hospitalization, placement, and residential isolation.
- 384.281 Prehearing detention.
- 384.282 Naming of parties.
- 384.283 Service of notice and processes; sheriff to deliver person to state program.
- 384.284 Forms to be developed.
- 384.285 Right of appeal; immediate release.
- 384.286 Temporary leave.
- 384.287 Screening for sexually transmissible disease.
- 384.288 Fees and other compensation; payment by board of county commissioners.
- 384.29 Confidentiality.
- 384.30 Minors’ consent to treatment.
- 384.31 Testing of pregnant women; duty of the attendant.
- 384.32 Prisoners.
- 384.33 Rules.
- 384.34 Penalties.