- 1013.10 Use of buildings and grounds.
- 1013.11 Postsecondary institutions assessment of physical plant safety.
- 1013.12 Casualty, safety, sanitation, and firesafety standards and inspection of property.
- 1013.13 Coordination of school safety information; construction design documents.
- 1013.14 Proposed purchase of real property by a board; confidentiality of records; procedure.
- 1013.15 Lease, rental, and lease-purchase of educational facilities and sites.
- 1013.16 Construction of facilities on leased property; conditions.
- 1013.17 University leasing in affiliated research and development park.
- 1013.171 University lease agreements; land, facilities.
- 1013.18 Radio and television facilities.
- 1013.19 Purchase, conveyance, or encumbrance of property interests above surface of land; joint-occupancy structures.
- 1013.20 Standards for relocatables used as classroom space; inspections.
- 1013.21 Reduction of relocatable facilities in use.
- 1013.22 Obscenity on educational buildings or vehicles.
- 1013.23 Energy efficiency contracting.
- 1013.231 Florida college and university energy consumption; 10-percent reduction goal.
- 1013.24 Right of eminent domain.
- 1013.25 When university or community college board of trustees may exercise power of eminent domain.
- 1013.26 Department of Legal Affairs to represent university board in condemnation proceedings.
- 1013.27 Purchase of land by municipality.
- 1013.28 Disposal of property.